- YEAR : 2002
- Images of comics priced under $9.99 are stock images.
- Images of comics priced over $9.99 and over are photos/scans of actual issue for sale.
Cover By Pete Bagge. Pete Bagge /Pete Bagge /Pete Bagge. THE SCOOP: Spidey's got a brand new Bagge! In this self-contained one-shot, indie legend Peter Bagge (Hate) offers his own unique spin on everyone's favorite web-spinner! THE STORY: Shortly after he was bitten by a radioactive spider that gave him his strange powers, Peter Parker failed to stop a burglar fleeing from police. When that man went on to murder Peter's beloved Uncle Ben, Peter took it upon himself to atone for his sin of inaction ? adopting a mantra instilled in him by his Uncle: "With great power must also come great responsibility." But what if Uncle Ben wasn't all he was cracked up to be? What if he was nothing more than a lout and a con artist? What road might Peter travel if his life had been guided by a different mantra: "Look out for number one"? THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy stock paper.